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A GCSE Science GIF Revision Blog on Nutrient Recycling.

Do it yourself GCSE Science Revision the GIF way.

November 1, 2021

A few months back I published a blog on creating GCSE science GIF revision notes.

Moving images are a great way of fixating science comcepts in your brain. Some GCSE science can be abstract and difficult to picture. GIFS can make it real.

Another great use of GIFS in your GCSE science study/revision is to search for a GIF an a particular GCSE science topic. Keep watching the GIF and attempt to explain as much of what is happening as possible. This is a great exercise for recall and consolidating your learning.

Let's look at the Carbon Cycle as an example. Below is a GIF of the carbon cycle:



Study the GIF and attempt to work out what is happening. If you need to, refer to your school/study notes on the carbon cycle.

Here's my explanation:

  • The sun (

yellow dots) is providing the energy for the trees to photosynthesise.

  • Photosyntheisis is absorbing carbon dioxide (white dots) from the atmosphere.
  • The trees store carbon, based, compounds (

green dots). These can be returned to the soil.

  • Animals eat plant (carbon based) food. Energy is produced by respiration. A product of respiration is carbon dioxide and this is removed from the body of animals by breathing out putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

All the above would create a carbon balance. However, this balance is altered by combustion, in the form of forest fires and the burning of fossil fuels (red dot) which increases the atmosphere carbon dioxide levels.


Here is the same style GIF on the Nitrogen Cycle. Have a go at this one yourself.



Remember if you want to check your answers with me, you can always contact me on wesite.