If you flick through a variety of GCSE science exam questions you will notice that many questions start like this:

Often the first sentence in the question states the topic that you are going to be assessed on. In the above case, leaves.
So, what do you know about leaves?
Put the exam question aside for now and think about everything you can to do with your GCSE science knowledge and understanding of leaves.
Grab a pen and a piece of paper and create study/revision notes like this:

Start with your knowledge of the top of the leaf and then work your way down. Think about the processes that take place in the different layers and the mechanisms by which they occur.
If the information flows and you find yourself linking concepts together, you know your stuff.
If you find yourself sitting with just a leaf drawn on the piece of paper, you need to go back and revise the topic again.
Whatever the outcome, you have self-assessed your ability to answer the GCSE science question on leaves and informed yourself of your next move:
- Attempt the exam question
- Revise the topic.
From the above notes that you have created, you will see that you have all the required knowledge to answer the first few questions, which are:

As the exam question progresses, your skills are put further to the test. Instead of just recalling your knowledge, you are now expected to apply some of the concepts.

This is a skill that takes practise and the more you do it the better skilled you become.
Remember, one of the key successes to GCSEs in general is PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE those exam questions.