2022 is now well and truly with us. The start of a new year can be full of reflection and we will often decide on creating new approaches to a wide variety of things in our lives.
Many of you will be thinking of more positive approaches to your studies. If this be the case, attempt to take on board this philosphy by Plutarch:

Sometimes learning is spoiled because it is simply not learning. It is cramming. Learning should be enjoyable but it takes investment. Give yourself the respect to invest in your learning. Study often, not just at school. A simple study plan involves you dedicating a small amount of your time outside school to regularly go through your school notes and create your own study/ revsion notes. This can be done in many ways. Find the way that suits you best. Combi Classroom will frequently post study note ideas.
There has been a lot of research done on the best study techniques. One I recently came across was this:

Check out the above website, it is full of many useful ideas. I picked three of their ideas for this blog. The first is:

The second is:

Both of these are the core of the Combi Classroom Exam Revision Booklets.

The booklets are also great for you to attempt the third idea:

This is where your study notes come in and as I mentioned earlier, there are so many ways in which you can do this. How about this one for a cool idea:

This is a compact, appealing way of condensing your school notes. It also demonstrates your ability to pick out relevant information from notes and create a diagram, linking together the important parts. It gives you great revision notes. If you find that, for example Newton's Laws of Motion, you only require three points, change the shape to a triangle. The options are endless.
Happy studying.