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The Formula for Exam Success.

Combi Classroom has the formula for GCSE Science Exam Success.

November 15, 2021

What is the formula for GCSE exam success? 


Well, science research suggests (the best the following:

  • Traditional print materials still have the upper hand over digital devices when it comes to studying. More than 90% of students polled said they prefer a hard copy or print over a digital device when it comes to studying and school work. 
  • Students who test themselves with a practice test after learning the material retained 50% more of the information a week later than their peers who did not take a practice test.
  • "Quick learners" make connections between ideas.
  • Students find that recording all information visually in one place can help to paint a fuller picture and aid their connections within the learning process.


So, here at Combi Classroom we have come up with a simple formula for GCSE science exam success and designed the GCSE science revision booklets based on that idea.

ES = R x T x C 

Exam Success = Revise x Test x Check


The example below shows an exert from one of the Combi Classroom Exam Revision Booklets. 

The exercise of reading and highlighting relevant text and then linking it to exam questions is the best practise for exams. Complete this activity at regular intervals and you will start to grow in confidence with your exam technique.



So, that's the R and T taken care of. The C (exam question answers) is at the back of every booklet.

Check it out by pressing the button below:



After all, as the research suggests 'recording all information visually in one place can help to paint a fuller picture and aid their connections within the learning process'.